Sunday, January 27, 2013

Master Mind Your Success

Master Mind Your Success

By Lewis N. Jackson

Successful people truly believe that what they think and feel determines their success. They invest a lot of time and energy preserving the sanctity of their mind.

The mind is the steering wheel of the soul.

If the mind indeed steers the soul it is to our advantage to be the master of our mind. What this means is that the mind, our mind, is subject to our command. It is a powerful computer, which is very proficient in the hands of a good programmer.

Whether we choose to acknowledge it or not, our thoughts and feelings affect our mind; and our mind, in turn, affects the welfare of our souls.

Successful people spend a lot of time and energy preserving the sanctity of their minds.

Think of thoughts, any thoughts, and feelings, any feelings, as commands that your computer, your mind, reacts to and obeys. The reason why I emphasize any thoughts or feelings, even the seemingly innocuous ones, is that our mind is very proficient at what it does. In other words, it is intuitive at perceiving what appears to be our objective and helping us realize it.

“Your Wish is My Command”

If you complain about your job; gripe about your bills; revile your ‘friends’; agonize over your health your mind interprets these feelings and thoughts as commands. Your computer takes the program inputs and attempts to realize your perception of the world.  So at work a person may find themselves continuing to have conflicts with other employees; the bills seem to grow more numerous and larger; our ‘friends’ begin to distance themselves from us; and our health, indeed, is worse.

“I am always reminded, stop complaining about your lot in life, your circumstances, and other people—do something to change it.”

Incidentally, those ‘other people’ can only affect our mind to the extent that we allow them to affect our thoughts and feelings about our self-concept. If we look to others as a reflection of our self-worth, to validate our existence, we are giving them permission to dictate how our mind perceives us. And we look to others to “see” or fill in the picture of ourselves. Whether our perception originates from our own thoughts and feelings or is influenced by others; our mind tries to actualize that perception.

"When people suggest a thought or feeling to you, they are making an offer. You can choose to accept or reject their offer."

Changing your thoughts and feelings, changes how you react to people and things—and this creates a change in your state of existence. We think and feel different, we make different decisions, and we get different results. It as though those initial thoughts and feelings towards anything initiates a domino effect that sets in motion a flowing cascade of positive events or a catastrophic plummeting of things in disarray.

Let us now move to the crux of our discussion—“How to Master Your Success.” We need to change the commands, the thoughts and feelings that we communicate to ourselves throughout the day. We need to make these thoughts and feelings predominately positive and hopeful so that our mind becomes self-constructive.

Fortunately, this is something all of us can accomplish with consistent mindful effort.  We make our feelings and thoughts productive using the following sequence of commands:

Step #1: refute the negative thought or feeling. Disassociate it as something you disapprove of and will not support.

Step #2: become actively immersed in a productive activity and or entertain the possibility of something wonderful happening.

The first command is a refutation of negative thoughts and or feelings. This command need not be specific. It can be as general as, “That’s not going to happen,” “I don’t believe that,” or”That’s not true.” The error to be made here is to allow a mental argument to take place that challenges our refutation of a thought or feeling. Simply negate the perception in one swift stroke and move on to step #2. Do not linger at step #1 as this will only exacerbate a negative perception. Whether you feel you’ve succeeded with this first step is not as important as moving on to step #2.

Create a positive program for your mind to follow…

Dim thought or feeling As integer = 0 or negative

Dim message As String

If perception = 0 Then

message = "That’s not true"

Else If perception = +1 or positive Then

message = "Something wonderful is happening today"

End If

Step #2 is the progressive step that commands your mind to focus upon positive thoughts and feelings. The second command can be as simple as “Something wonderful is soon happening,” “I love my life,” “This is fun,” or “Think of something positive.” Note these are mainly present and future moment thoughts and feelings. But reminiscing about the good things that have happened in your life also produces positive perceptions. Let these commands become your chant or mantra throughout the day and enjoy the affect upon your persona.

As your mind reflects upon the positive perceptions you create it will seek out ways to fulfill what it perceives as your desire. You will find that you are creating within yourself a positive energy or vibe that like minded people around you become receptive and attracted to you. Things will literally begin to fall into place and “success” will seemingly become a natural occurrence.

“Our thoughts and feelings are like a mirror that our mind looks into and says, “That’s me.”

 This is it; this deceptively simple truth of being the masters of our mind, which affects the welfare of our souls. Rebuke negative thinking and attitudes and immerse yourself in the good things that are happening and you know will soon be happening in your life—then you will be the master mind of your success.

Friday, December 21, 2012

Live Life Lean eating plan

The Live Life Lean nutrition plan is focused on increasing our diet of fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains. While decreasing our diet of unhealthy foods that are often processed, contain trace toxins, chemicals, refined sugars, and other ingredients that foster an unhealthy digestive tract and immune system. In short, we often feel tired, sick, overweight, and unhealthy due to our diet.

The Live Life Lean nutrition plan consists of eating ONLY fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains every other day, 3x per week. My wife, Claire, and I follow this eating plan on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays. Fruits consist of just fruit, whole fruits unprocessed, as opposed to fruit juices or “fruit” that contain preservatives, added sugars, “fortifiers” and the like. Vegetables may include the roots, such as potatoes, malanga, salsify, radish, beets, etc. Nuts may be lightly salted, but nothing like honeyed, or sugar glazed. Whole grains not milled grains, flours, or bread stripped of its vitamins and fiber. And with all of these eat fresh and uncooked as much as possible– frozen vegetables are okay. Exceptions to the above are the gbg vitamin supplement, spices, herbs, tea, and regular coffee without adding creamers, sugars, and the like.

Our “Eat as You Like” days are on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and the weekends. You get to eat your meats, dairies, breads, condiments, etcetera on these days! We include healthy portions of vegetables, fruit, nuts, and grains while allowing ourselves to eat the “forbidden foods” in moderation, and often reluctantly. This is because our bodies are very, very happy on Live Life Lean days. Our energy is boosted, we feel lively, light, and healthy; and, we find ourselves fighting off sickness more easily.

HALF DAYS: Some Live, Life Lean days may be tough to get through due to illness or other physical conditions. Or you may find you are losing too much weight. Instead of losing the full benefit of Live Life Lean days, make it a half day. Live Lean Lean for breakfast and lunch, and then eat as you like for dinner!

Live Life Lean- a sample menu
(hold “ctrl” key & press the “+” on your keyboard to enlarge font size)

Breakfast- whole fruits such as oranges, bananas, and apples. 1/4 cup serving of Muesli, which is a mixture of whole grains, nuts, and dried fruits. Muesli is readily available in most health food stores or shop iHerb online. GBG vitamin and mineral supplement. Lunch- A salad sans the dressing and croutons. Or just a peeled carrot and another vegetable, such as a slice of green pepper. 1/4 cup serving of Muesli with or without additional nuts. I recommend 3 servings of Muesli mix per day. GBG vitamin supplement at either lunch or dinner. Dinner- We usuallycook a package of frozen vegetables adding a crushed clove of garlic, a slice of onion/ chopped, salt, pepper, a couple of potatoes diced into cubes, and 2 tbs of olive oil. On other nights, we make delicious split pea or vegetable soups with zucchini and squash.

** The Live Life Lean nutrition plan is my personal recommendation and works perfectly for my wife and I. It may or may not work for you. If you have reservations about this eating plan, please consult your doctor or other qualified health care professional for advice.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

And the secret to true happiness is… (drum roll please)

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In my last journal entry I spoke about happiness being within ourselves as opposed to some external thing making us happy. How does one weather proof the soul and create a happiness generator within? Well, in my opinion, there are two key components to happiness:


1)      Take the initiative and be proactive rather than reactive to your environment. When we “let things happen to us” we are enslaved to circumstance, waiting for the next circumstance to react to. Instead, let the world react to you. Decide on your course of action beforehand and stick to your well thought out intentions and plans despite the ominous well intentioned warnings from people who think they know you and what’s best for you. If you internalize the fears of others, you immobilize the force of your dreams and they are never realized. If you need advice in a particular area, make you get it from people who have proven their success in that endeavor.

2)      Whatever decision you make, make sure it is your decision. There is a difference in deciding to serve others and being enslaved by others. Many people, for their own selfish motives, seek to make you feel obliged to serve them or do things their way. Well, not even God forces us to serve him for he loves a cheerful and willing servant. So we should never do things based on a nod of approval from others, this motivation always proves to fail when our decision proves faulty and those we sought to please suddenly withdraw away from us into the shadows. The moral of the story is, we alone are always held accountable for the decisions we make, and so those decisions should be based on what we feel is right after we’ve weighed the evidence to the best of our ability.

In these two components we are not advocating a selfish me first attitude, which is opposed to enjoying personal interactions or sharing an interchange of thought with others. What we are discussing is true autonomy that enhances our enjoyment in interacting with people who are who they are by choice. Would you rather hear the words, “I love you” from someone who said it just to please you or some moral institution or would you rather hear those words springing forth from a heart and mind that genuinely admires you? Of course, if you’re like most people, you want an expression of affection to be out of a person’s free will, unpretentious.  


So there you have it. Happiness is something within the realm of conscious decisions. You choose to be happy or you choose to be miserable when you let happenstance and the wills of others dictate it. Always be the captain of your ship, keep sight of your goals- even in stormy weather- and you will reach all your destinations in life.


By Lewis Jackson

Natural Solutions for Total Fitness