Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Anti-Aging: Life Within Nutrition

Peak Energy Science FYI:

Anti-Aging: Life Within Nutrition

By Dr. Robert Marshall

The magnificent human body has been designed to be nourished simply by eating food. However, today, finding food that is truly nourishing is becoming harder and harder. Due to commercial production farming, we have seen our food sources become so altered - from toxic poisons and chemicals to gene splicing - that we are now eating food that eventually devastates our own health.

In the early 1970s, a U.S. government study found the mineral levels of our food was as much as 50% lower than when tested in 1950. It took only twenty years to create such a nutrient wipeout. We wonder what has happened during the last thirty years, since the 1970 study.

Sadly, our food is now saturated with new classes of dangerous chemicals, chemicals so common we rarely lift a hand to protest anymore. In 1986, the FDA released its long-range Total Diet Study. In the study, the FDA obtained food from grocery stores throughout the United States. They measured the total number of pesticide/chemical residues in certain fruits and vegetables.

Here are a few typical examples of the stunning levels of toxics they found in vegetables: broccoli-45; potatoes-96; tomatoes-50; celery-78. Toxics found in fruits included: apples-80; peaches-97; grapes-63; raisins-110. Since the FDA study ended in 1986, we can only guess what the toxic levels of our vegetables and fruits are today. If you consider the EPA’s warning that exposure to pesticides is a top risk factor in cancer, the toxic residue numbers reflect one of the reasons cancer is increasing so rapidly today, and these toxic residue numbers are simply unacceptable.

To further pollute our food supply, splicing bacterial and viral genes into our God-given food seeds has created what many call “Franken-foods” - genetically tampered food - that can slowly poison and sicken consumers over time with a whole spectrum of uncharted symptoms. Current estimates are that up to 70 percent of the products on our grocery store shelves contain ingredients which have been genetically altered. Do you remember voting for bacterial genes to be spliced into the potatoes you eat? Or voting for fish genes in your tomatoes? These “Franken-foods” are a ticking time bomb that may prove to be an exploding health bomb - sooner or later.

What about eating “Organically Grown” food? Unfortunately, organically grown foods are often sprayed with chemicals after harvest, during transport, or in storage. We suggest finding a farmer’s market and getting to know a farmer who does not use toxic chemicals and pesticides in their growing of fruits and vegetables.

If there are not enough critical nutrients, especially antioxidants, or your body is not able to replace them fast enough, your body cannot fight the incoming toxic barrage. Without antioxidant power, your body has no choice but to try to store the toxics in the fat of the body, in the brain, or other organs and body tissues. The body then creates more fat cells for the toxins to hide in. This is how the tired get more tired and how we gain more and more weight.

Considering the big picture - this ever-raging battle of nutrients vs. toxic chemicals and antioxidants vs. “free radicals” (cells that have become destructive to other cells) - we have to realize that lowered amounts of vital nutrients translates into exactly what we don’t want: rapid aging, feeling tired, weight gain, greater risk of chronic disease, and deficiency symptoms (from poor memory to chronic fatigue to headaches).

Supplying the body with high levels of nutrients can mean feeling great. Low levels of nutrients can mean feeling half dead. Deficient nutrient levels also mean being at risk for the most dreaded chronic diseases such as arthritis, prostatitis, neuritis, tendonitis, diabetes, asthma, and even cancer.

To get protection from the efforts of toxic damage and stress, the smart person has to realize that regular food is not the answer. It is a real challenge today to get sufficient amounts of nutrients from food, including “organically grown” food. Many people have turned to nutritional supplements. The rapidly growing market of nutritional supplements is now a multibillion dollar industry. But are supplements giving you what you really need?

Vitamins originate mainly in plants. Vitamins are substances which are essential in small amounts for good health of the body, including growth, maintenance, repair, and reproduction. Many vitamins must be derived from food since they cannot be synthesized in sufficient quantities in the body. Each vitamin has a specific action and function and one vitamin cannot replace another.

Only since the 1920s have we begun extracting nutrients from food or synthesizing them in a laboratory, then putting them into pills to supplement our diets. But buyer beware! The body was designed to get nutrients from food, not a laboratory.

In trying to isolate the active factors in food, USP (United States Pharmacopoeia) vitamins were created to mimic real vitamins. But synthetic USP vitamins are not food, even though they are often called “natural.” USP vitamins are chemical isolates synthesized in a laboratory. In whole food, vitamins are never isolated. They are always present as a part of a larger nutrient complex. Vitamins which occur naturally in food have a wide spectrum of actions in the body whereas isolated USP vitamins are analogues of these vitamins and appear to have only some of these actions.

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Yours in Good Health,

Lewis Jackson

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