Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Are B Vitamins Supplements Really Necessary?

The B Vitamins

Peak Energy Science FYI

The entire family of B Vitamins should be on your list of “must-have” nutrients.

Vitamin B12 — the cobamide, fully reacted coenzyme form

Vitamin B12 is one of the building blocks of life. It is thought to play a primary role in the origin of DNA. Vitamin B12 plays a key role in the body and is associated with lower levels of homocysteine in the blood. Homocysteine is now believed to be toxic to the cells that line blood vessels, and also may increase blood clotting. B12 is required for energy production and overall health of the body, including red blood cell formation. Other roles of B12 include proper nervous system development and prevention of infertility in men. It has also been shown to improve memory and promote heart health.

Lack of sufficient amounts of vitamin B12 can create a deficiency or absorption problems that can lead to anemia. Research has shown that Vitamin B12 levels decline with age. It is estimated that one-third of people over the age of 60 cannot extract the vitamin B12 they need from the foods they eat.

Vitamin B12 has also been shown to guard against strokes and contribute to relieving asthma, bursitis, depression, low blood pressure, multiple sclerosis, and even certain mental disorders by supporting normal brain cell activity and encouraging healthy cognitive, memory, and emotional function. A blood level of vitamin B12 that is even moderately below normal can result in considerable damage to the brain and nervous system.

The time-honored method of addressing vitamin B12 deficiency is by injection; however, now with powerful nanized green tea, taking it in a liquid form can be just as beneficial and much less invasive. Vitamin B12 has been shown to be extremely safe and nontoxic even in high doses.

Folic Acid — the folate form

Imagine eating 2 heads of lettuce, 3 apples, 5 bananas, and 7 carrots every day to try to get the minimum requirement of folate (400 micrograms). Yet folate is an essential part of the daily diet.

Women of child-bearing age are now being urged to increase their folate intake in order to help prevent neural tube defects and spina bifida in infants.

In addition, adequate levels of folate have been associated with lower levels of homocysteine in the blood (homocysteine is considered a risk factor for serious heart and immune problems).

Vitamin B6 — the pyridoxal-5-phosphate form

Like folate and B12, vitamin B6 has also been associated with lower levels of homocysteine. In addition, vitamin B6 is well known in this computer age for its role in relieving carpal tunnel syndrome, the weakness, numbness, tingling, and pain in wrists and arms caused by repetitive motion.

In his book, Vitamin B6 Therapy, J.M. Ellis, M.D., explains how insulin resistance (elevated blood-glucose levels now at crisis proportions in the U.S. due to eating refined sugars and grains) causes reduced blood levels of B6 which then lowers both pancreatic and circulating insulin levels.

Vitamin B5 — the coenzyme A form

Best known as pantothenic acid, vitamin B5 was discovered by Dr. Roger Williams. B5 has long been considered the “anti-stress” vitamin for its role in helping balance adrenal gland function and thus, help us cope better with the stressful situations life has to offer.

In his book, The Vitamin Revolution, Michael Janson, M.D., says that insufficient amounts of pantothenic acid can lead to fatigue, mood imbalances and sleep concerns.

Until now, only the inferior form of vitamin B5, d-calcium pantothenate, was available. Now for the first time in history, Dr. Robert Marshall has developed the superior end-chain form of B5 coenzyme A in a stable form along with the high powered derivative acetyl coenzyme A. No other product on earth can deliver this form of B5!

Vitamin B3 — the no-flush form, inositol hexanicotinamide

Vitamin B3 helps improve blood circulation by dilating arteries, especially important in the extremities and brain. The vitamin is a key factor in metabolizing carbohydrates, boosting energy, and maintaining a healthy brain and nervous system.

Vitamin B2 — the riboflavin-5 phosphate form

Vitamin B2 is important in the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and therefore, in the creation of energy. B2 also supports eye and skin health. The book, The Natural Pharmacy, points out that B2 also helps boost athletic performance and promotes brain health.

Vitamin B1 — the thiamin cocarboxylase form

Like B2 and B3, B1 is essential for metabolizing carbohydrates, fats and proteins for extra energy boosts. B1 supports the nervous system and healthy emotional balance. Insufficient vitamin B1 can create a loss of appetite, memory and mood imbalances and sluggish thinking. Many studies show that B1 enhances the ability to learn and retain knowledge.


Inositol is involved in immunity, liver function and cell membrane health. Inositol promotes healthy liver metabolism, skin health and heart function, according to Dr. Berkson, author of All About B Vitamins.


In 1998, for the first time, choline was classified as an essential B vitamin. Choline is important for liver function, heart health, and achieving optimal physical performance. It also helps with healthy memory and mental balance.


Even after biotin’s initial discovery, it took nearly 40 years of research for it to be fully recognized as a vitamin. Its roles include breaking down fats, constructing proteins from amino acids, and helping to manufacture various building blocks of genes.

All Are Necessary

The entire complex of B vitamins are necessary. The B vitamins in pure food form have been shown to vastly out perform the synthetic “make believe” forms of the B vitamins. Vitamin B works when it is combined with synergistic co-factors and transporters, found only in the pure food whole-nutrient complexes.

Visit Peak Energy Science

Yours in Good Health,

Lewis Jackson

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