Tuesday, May 26, 2009

A Change of venue and being your own ally in the battle of the bulge

Hi all,

The MisterGoodBuy Health Spot will change venue a little and now focus primarily on diet and nutrition. This will be a little more focused than a general health and fitness topic. My other blog http://mistergoodbuy.wordpress.com will continue to focus on my daily fitness journal.

So let's talk a little about diet and nutrition as it relates to staying healthy and getting in shape. My son is battling the battle of the bulge and seems to think he can literally have his exercise and eat his cake too! (LOL, I normally don't laugh at my own jokes, but wasn't that a good one?) Anyway... in getting in shape, we need to become our own best allies and not work against our training by packing in calories.

I think one discipline to master is what we eat between meals. Those little nibbles between meals add up to a lot of calories and they prevent true digestion of preingested food, i.e, your breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I tell my son, eat a satisfying breakfast, lunch, or dinner... have your fill and then stop eating!!! This is a unwelcome counsel and a hard lesson for him to learn. Especially, since Dad gets away with regularly breaking this rule and stays so slim. What can I say, some of us who are very active got it like that.

But still I think all of us can benefit by eating healthy satisfying meals three square per day and avoiding the mostly junk foods we eat in between.

Keep up the good work!

Lew aka mistergoodbuy

1 comment:

paula said...

I found your post interesting ...According to a study risk factors for chronic adult conditions such as diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, gallbladder disease, arthritis and obesity are already set by the time a child reaches adolescence. Guide to Healthy Eating